If you’re about to enter your senior year, congratulations! But if there is one thing you want to avoid, it’s having any major regrets by the time you get to the end of it.
This is a milestone year in your life, so make the most of it by being aware of the most common regrets that high school seniors have.
- Not Participating in Extracurricular Activities
Yes, your time might be limited during your senior year, but this is the last chance you’ll have to enjoy something after school with your peers – something you can take into life and to college. What’s more, you might just discover a hidden talent you never knew you had and make new friends at the same time.
- Keeping Your Circle Small
Once you get to college, you’re probably not going to have the same friend group that you have now, so make this the year you start expanding it. You’re going to be meeting a lot of new people after high school, so get used to doing that now. Plus, you may even make some new friends that are going to the same college as you.
- Forgoing Senior Photos
If you’ve seen a lot of cheesy senior photos in recent years, it might’ve put you off capturing a set of your own. Senior photography is not what it used to be. It’s a shoot that allows you to get creative and showcase who you are during this milestone year. Plus, when you find a photographer with a style you love, you don’t need to dread seeing the result.
- Not Having More Experiences
If you think your senior year is busy, wait until you get to college and or start a job. This is the best time to have more experience with your friends. Go on that date, take a road trip with your friends, or volunteer at the shelter down the road. This is a good time to make memories and give yourself something to look back on.
- Failing to Speak Your Mind
Another regret that seniors often have is not speaking their minds. This doesn’t mean causing fights, it’s just a case of learning to say what you mean and feel, especially to those in your inner circle. Knowing how to communicate more and in a healthy way will serve you well throughout your adult life.
- Not Asking That Girl or Guy Out
Always wanted to ask that girl or guy out on a date? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to tell a close friend that you have feelings for them? There has never been a better time and it’s not going to ruin things between you if you do it right. Take the chance, you never know what it might lead to.
- Not Being Yourself
Too many high school seniors regret not being themselves. Whether it’s not taking up an art class because you’re known for your athleticism or dulling down your outfits because you’re scared you’re going to be too loud. You’re about the enter the real world! Let your true self shine!
- Hating High School
Perhaps high school hasn’t given you the best years of your life but try not to regret them. To get through your senior year, make a point of focusing on the friends who love you and the positive experiences you have had – you’re never going to get this time back.
Ready to take on your senior year? You’ve got this!